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氣動切斷閥中英文版   發(fā)布時間:24-09-18


氣動切斷閥(Pneumatic Cut-off Valve)作為一種重要的流體控制設備,在石油化工、冶金及其他工業(yè)領域發(fā)揮著不可替代的作用。該閥門以壓縮空氣為動力源,通過氣動執(zhí)行器的精確控制,實現對管道中介質的快速切斷或接通。其結構簡單、操作方便、性能穩(wěn)定,是自動化控制系統(tǒng)中的關鍵組件。


1. 快速響應:氣動切斷閥具有極快的響應速度,能在幾秒內切斷流體流動,有效應對緊急情況。
2. 結構堅固:閥體通常采用高質量的不銹鋼或碳鋼材料,具有卓越的防腐、抗磨損性能,確保了閥門的長期穩(wěn)定運行。
3. 緊湊設計:閥門結構設計緊湊,體積小,易于安裝和維護,大大節(jié)省了空間成本。
4. 安全可靠:采用壓縮空氣控制,不僅避免了電氣火花的產生,還有效預防了火災和爆炸的風險。閥門配備了手動操作功能,確保在緊急情況下可通過人工干預實現快速切斷。
5. 廣泛適用性:氣動切斷閥適用于多種介質,包括氣體、液體和蒸汽,廣泛應用于各類管道系統(tǒng)中。




? 安裝:閥門應垂直安裝在管道中,確保閥體上的箭頭指示流向。安裝前需檢查閥門是否完好,無損壞、松動或異物。閥門應配備手動操作功能,以便于測試和緊急情況下的操作。
? 維護:定期檢查閥門狀態(tài),保持其清潔并更換磨損部件。維護執(zhí)行器時,需確保其干燥清潔。閥門使用后應及時進行維護和修理,以延長其使用壽命。



English Version
Pneumatic Cut-off Valve Overview

The Pneumatic Cut-off Valve, as a vital fluid control device, plays an irreplaceable role in the petrochemical, metallurgy, and other industrial sectors. Powered by compressed air, it utilizes pneumatic actuators to precisely control the quick cutoff or connection of media within pipelines. Its simple structure, convenient operation, and stable performance make it a key component in automation control systems.

Key Features

1. Rapid Response: The pneumatic cut-off valve boasts an extremely fast response time, enabling it to cut off fluid flow within seconds in emergency situations.
2. Sturdy Construction: Crafted from high-quality stainless steel or carbon steel, the valve body ensures long-term stable operation with excellent corrosion and wear resistance.
3. Compact Design: Its compact structure and small size facilitate easy installation and maintenance, significantly reducing space costs.
4. Safety and Reliability: Driven by compressed air, it eliminates electrical sparks and effectively prevents fire and explosion risks. Additionally, its manual operation function ensures rapid cutoff in emergencies.
5. Broad Applicability: Suitable for various media including gases, liquids, and steam, the pneumatic cut-off valve finds wide application in pipeline systems.

Structural Composition

The pneumatic cut-off valve comprises a valve body, seat, seal ring, disc, stem, actuator, solenoid valve, positioner, and other components. The actuator, as the core component, utilizes compressed air to drive the piston, thereby moving the stem and disc to open or close the valve.

Installation and Maintenance

? Installation: The valve should be installed vertically in the pipeline with the arrow on the valve body indicating the flow direction. Prior to installation, inspect the valve for damage, looseness, or foreign matter. It should also be equipped with a manual operation function for testing and emergency operations.
? Maintenance: Regularly check the valve's condition, keep it clean, and replace worn parts. Maintain the actuator in a dry and clean state. After use, promptly perform maintenance and repairs to extend the valve's lifespan.

Fields of Application

The pneumatic cut-off valve is widely used in petrochemicals, natural gas transmission, water treatment, food processing, pharmaceuticals, and other industries. Its rapid, accurate, and reliable cutoff performance ensures process safety and efficiency in these fields.

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